POLICY Statement

June 7, 2024: ATFL Commends Senator Gary Peters for Leading Letter Calling for Lebanon Temporary Protected Status Designation

June 07, 2024

Washington, DC, June 7, 2024. The American Task Force on Lebanon, a leadership organization of Americans of Lebanese descent, applauds Senator Gary Peters and 16 of his Senate colleagues for their letter that urges the Biden-Harris Administration to extend Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to Lebanese nationals present in the US.

As the letter notes, “designating Lebanon for TPS would enable Lebanese nationals currently in the United States, including students, tourists, and workers, to be able to remain safely in the United States and to work legally to support themselves and their families” and that this would benefit 12,000 eligible individuals currently present in the US.

Given the current hostilities in the region adding to the economic, humanitarian, and political crises afflicting the country, Lebanon is a prime candidate for a TPS designation.

ATFL extends our deepest gratitude to Senator Gary Peters for leading this letter and to the Senators who signed it:

Richard J. Durbin
Debbie Stabenow
Edward J. Markey
Patty Murray
Alex Padilla
Tammy Duckworth
Raphael Warnock
Mark R. Warner
Peter Welch
Cory A. Booker
Jeanne Shaheen
Jack Reed
Brian Schatz
Chris Van Hollen
Mazie K. Hirono
Benjamin Cardin

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