One Year Later: Lebanon After the Beirut Port Blast

August, 05 2021

The American Task Force on Lebanon held a virtual webinar on Thursday, August 5 to mark the one-year anniversary of the August 4 Beirut Port explosions.

The presentations focused on four themes: The status of US-Lebanon relations and US assistance to Lebanon, noting challenges to building relations with a potential new government Assessing the role of the United Nations and the international community in promoting reforms An update on the rapidly declining socio-economic conditions on Lebanese society including the brain drain, health, and education services Lebanon's instability and the interests of external actors such as Syria, Iran, Turkey, Israel, Russia

Amb. Dorothy Shea
U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon
Joanna Wronecka
U.N. Special Coordinator for Lebanon
Dr. Michel Mawad
President, Lebanese American University
Dr. Paul Salem
President, Middle East Institute
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