January Fri, 2024
The U.S. is Key to Preventing an Israel-Lebanon War
Article by ATFL President Ed Gabriel published by Middle East Institute, “The US is Key to Preventing an Israel-Lebanon War.” Read the op-Ed here.
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December Fri, 2023
هل تنجح إدارة بايدن في تفادي الحرب بين إسرائيل وحزب الله؟
ATFL President Ed Gabriel participated in a televised panel discussion hosted by Al Hurra. Listen to the panel here.
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December Wed, 2023
Why Lebanon Matters and Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Change
ATFL President Ed Gabriel and Patricia Karam were panelists in Middle East Institute webinar, “Why Lebanon Matters and Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Change”. Listen to the panel discussion here.
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December Sat, 2023
Lebanon’s Youth Are Deprived of Hope in Education
Article written by ATFL Director of Policy and Outreach Steven Howard, “Lebanon’s Youth Are Deprived of Hope in Education.” Read the op-Ed here.
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November Tue, 2023
How to Prevent Lebanon from Experiencing a “Lost Generation”
ATFL’s policy paper: "How to Prevent Lebanon from Experiencing a 'Lost Generation,'” reflects a group consensus on current challenges and steps that the Lebanese government and international actors can take […]
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October Thu, 2023
ATFL's Ambassador Edward Gabriel on Navigating Through Economic, Political, and Refugee Crisis
Ambassador Ed Gabriel interviewed by LBCI Read Full Article Here
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October Wed, 2023
Ed Gabriel to TIB: Lebanon Needs a New Generation of Leaders
This is Beirut featured ATFL President Ed Gabriel in their article: “Ed Gabriel to TIB: Lebanon Needs a New Generation of Leaders.” Read the article here.
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October Tue, 2023
Army Commander broaches latest developments with EU’s Waele, ATFL, and MPs
MTV mentioned ATFL in their article: “Army Commander Broaches Latest Developments with EU’s Waele, ATFL, and MPs.” Read the article here.
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September Mon, 2023
Kahaleh Fighting Raises Specter of Civil War in Lebanon: Here’s How the US Can Respond
Article written by ATFL President Ed Gabriel, “Kahaleh Fighting Raises Specter of Civil War in Lebanon: Here’s How the US Can Respond.” Read the article here.
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September Sun, 2023
Lebanon: Republicans in Congress call for sanctions against political class
ATFL President Ed Gabriel quoted in the Al-Monitor Article, “Lebanon: Republicans in Congress call for sanctions against political class. Read the article here.
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Annual Dinner
May 14
ATFL is working every day to support strong relations between the US and Lebanon.
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