Washington, DC, May 16, 2024. The American Task Force on Lebanon (ATFL), a leadership organization of Americans of Lebanese descent celebrated its annual awards dinner, where it honored individuals of Lebanese […]
AP: Muslim leaders are ‘out of words’ as they tire of the White House outreach on the war in Gaza
ATFL President Ed Gabriel quoted by the AP regarding the US administration's outreach to the Lebanese American community to communicate US policy in the region. Read the article here.
Justice and Accountability in the MENA Region: The Importance of Women’s Stories
Panel discussion on the pursuit of justice and accountability in the MENA region moderated by ATFL’s Patricia Karam. Listen to the panel discussion here.
“Washington…Hochstein in Beirut Soon and Awaiting Unification of the Positions of the ‘Quintet’”
ATFL President Ed Gabriel quoted by TV24 in an article, “Washington…Hochstein in Beirut Soon and Awaiting Unification of the Positions of the ‘Quintet’” [Arabic]. Read the report here.
Why Lebanon Matters and Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Change
ATFL President Ed Gabriel and Patricia Karam were panelists in Middle East Institute webinar, “Why Lebanon Matters and Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Change”. Listen to the panel discussion here.
How to Prevent Lebanon from Experiencing a “Lost Generation”
ATFL’s policy paper: "How to Prevent Lebanon from Experiencing a 'Lost Generation,'” reflects a group consensus on current challenges and steps that the Lebanese government and international actors can take […]