January 19, 2023

US-Lebanon Relations: Setting a New International Framework for a More Responsive Government

The Middle East Institute and the American Task Force on Lebanon with the cooperation of the Lebanese International Financial Executives convened a group of experts on Lebanon who co-authored this policy brief.

Published by ATFL

Lebanon is on a tragic trajectory, never before seen in its history.
The next few months, with or without needed reforms, will shape its path for years to come. Lebanon’s failings can be attributed to endemic corruption by the political class and the “state within a state” impunity of Hezbollah. Lebanon’s leaders must take the necessary risks to reverse their country from falling into the abyss of an economic and political meltdown, but they will not be able to undertake this challenge alone.
The US must lead its friends in Europe and the Gulf to encourage political parties and leaders, who have previously failed to respond effectively to their people, to create a new framework for Lebanon to begin its recovery. The time is now ripe to build on the US-mediated maritime agreement by encouraging Lebanon to take steps on other achievable objectives that continue the momentum forward. The Lebanon Working Group proposes seven policy areas on which the US should focus its work with Lebanon.

  • Amb. Edward M. Gabriel, Ret. President and CEO of the American Task Force on Lebanon, Former US Ambassador to Morocco
  • Mr. Ethan A. Goldrich Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau for Near Eastern Affairs with Responsibility for the Levant and Syria Engagement
  • Ms. Mary Ellen Richardson Legislative Director, Office of Representative Darin LaHood (R-IL)
  • Amb. David Hale Global Fellow at the Wilson Center, Former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Former US Ambassador to Lebanon
  • Mr. Brian Katulis Vice President of Policy at the Middle East Institute
  • Ms. Mona Yacoubian Senior Advisor, Executive Office and Middle East and North Africa Center at the US Institute of Peace
  • Dr. Paul Salem President of the Middle East Institute
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